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What a Difference #ShopLocal Makes

What a Difference #ShopLocal Makes

From essentials to little luxuries, the pandemic has changed the way we buy. Maybe you stocked up on canned goods just in case, or spent more on self-care items to ease stress.

One of the ways in which consumer behaviour really changed in 2020: people embraced the #ShopLocal movement more than ever before.

We heard a lot about shopping locally during the holiday season. Like in previous years, there was a lot of hashtagging on social media and local products featured in gift-giving articles.

3 Benefits of Shopping Locally

A recent survey from the Retail Council of Canada’s (RCC) found that 90% of Canadians intended to shop local during the 2020 holiday seasons, and 83% preferred to purchase items that were also made in Canada.

That’s great! However, I find that after the holiday or hype dies down, people often forget about the importance of supporting the businesses within their community.

Now, I get it—big-box retailers often have irresistible selection and convenience. I’m not chastising anyone for buying gifts on Amazon, or for wanting to get the best deal on something!

All I want to do is provide a reminder that as we go through 2021, showing your local businesses some love could make a lot of difference—and there are some great advantages for you.



While bigger stores carry name-brand items, their local counterparts often bring in unique, handcrafted products. Instead of a mass-produced piece of furniture, clothing or beauty product, you get something that’s so different.

For example, our clients adore Love’s Pure Light handmade silk scarves for themselves and to give as gifts, because each one is an original. Every scarf also comes with a promise card love letter written by the designer, Cydney.

handpainted scarf



If you go to a chain restaurant, you often get similar cuisine—whether you’re ordering a sandwich and salad, pasta platter or Chinese food.

By looking to your local restaurants, you not only support a small business, but you get to try new dishes that can quickly become family favourites. My pick is The Vault Restaurant, right across the road from me!

the vault restaurant


Small business owners are generally more focused on environmental issues, workers’ rights and animal rights. From vegan soap to fair-trade denim made with less water, you may find you have more chances to make an impact when you shop local.

When it comes to fashion, you can discover more sustainable clothing options (like organic cotton and bamboo) when you’re shopping locally. By buying Canadian-made items, that means your purchase didn’t have to travel across the world to get here.

Joseph Ribkoff is one of our designers whose clothing is all made in Canada. Another of our designers, Frank Lyman, manufactures 98% of his clothing in Canada.

When you shop local, you’re really giving back to the entire community. Especially because stats show that small businesses donate 250% more than larger businesses to local causes!

So as we move forward through 2021, keep your local businesses in mind as you’re shopping for yourself, your home and your loved ones.


I just wanted to be sure to thank you for the extra care you took with me to make sure I looked as best as I could on my son’s special day. People LOVED my dress and I felt great! You have a lovely shop and the service is better than anywhere. I will be sure to recommend it to many!


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