Open Tuesday. Thursday & Saturday 10am to 5pm
Mon., Wed. & Fri. Private Shopping by Appointment. Call 604-838-6402


Get 20% OFF TAB Bras & FIRMA until April 30, 2021 at Malarys!

In honor of April Cancer Awareness Month, we wish to promote good health and wellness by offering to all a 20% discount on our Firma Energywear and Tab Custom-fitted bras.

This discount will also apply to online and phone/mail orders, so if you can’t make it to the store, just give us a call at 604-574-6402 and we’d be happy to help you by distance.

This offer is good till April 30, 2021.

Firma wear


What an amazing place to go. Malary’s Fashion network has amazing customer service.

With the latest styles in shop your sure to find something for your event, party or just for everyday occasion.

It is such a friendly atmosphere & the staff are so kind and generous.

They work with their customers to find what works best for the customer to make them leave feeling beautiful.

I was surprised to hear that they work with many different charities to help out where they can as well.

For your latest Fashion needs def visit this shop.

Michelle A.

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