Open Tuesday. Thursday & Saturday 10am to 5pm
Mon., Wed. & Fri. Private Shopping by Appointment. Call 604-838-6402


Celebrating Community Support & Cozy Fall Fashions

Celebrating Community Support & Cozy Fall Fashions!

Perhaps you’ve heard – we’re celebrating our 25th anniversary, all November long!

We’re celebrating this November 2021 with over $2000 in giveaways, plus 25% off all purchases, both online and instore (get a jump start on your holiday shopping!).

And we’re also celebrating with a series of special videos featuring our store and our favourite fall fashions.

Watch this week’s video to learn more about our giveaways, plus see our favourite casual fall fashions for 2021!

This week, we’re taking the time to celebrate you: our amazing community.

It’s hard to believe 25 years have gone by so quickly. Joanne, our store manager, has been with me right from the start, and I can’t thank her enough.

And we’ve developed some great relationships with our Canadian designers, many of whom have been with us for decades. We truly value these relationships and love supporting these incredible companies.

But most of all, we have our community to thank, who’ve stuck with us right from the beginning and through these past few difficult years of the pandemic. Long-term customers, new customers, those that have matured with us: this would not be possible without all of you.

It has been such an honour to have such a strong community by our side, and we really truly appreciate your support.

So come celebrate with us! We’re releasing new special videos every Thursday to showcase our favourite fall fashions. This week our lovely models are showing some fall fashions that could not be comfier – or more beautiful.

Remember, every purchase you make this month will give you an entry into our giveaways, which we’re drawing at the end of the month (watch the video to learn more about our special prizes!).

And we’re open for public shopping on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10am-5pm, and we offer private shopping on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays by appointment. Come join us for the celebrations!


The personal service of a team of women who truly cares about their customers.


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